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Our Clinical Interns

Bodhi believes strongly in our mission to support and train the next generation of skilled and compassionate therapists. To that end, we partner with several local universities to provide master’s students enrolled in counseling, psychology and social work programs with experience providing therapy.

Who are the Graduate Clinical Interns?

Graduate Clinical Interns who work at Bodhi are currently enrolled in an accredited social work, psychology, or counseling graduate school program. These students are at the end of their educational coursework and upon graduation will apply for clinical licensure. The Graduate Clinical Interns are not currently licensed, but they have received a great deal of education in the theory and practice of various types of therapy.

What should I consider when working with a Graduate Clinical Intern?

Graduate Clinical Interns do not accept insurance instead charge a discounted rate of $30 per session. Clinical Interns are closely supervised by a fully licensed Bodhi Clinician. The supervising Clinician is also an approved supervisor with the social work and professional counseling boards (see below for more information on supervision.) Clinical Interns also continue to receive education, instruction, and oversight from their respective Universities.

Graduate Clinical Interns are with Bodhi for a set amount of time (typically one school year.) When working with a Graduate Clinical Intern they will discuss this timeframe with you. Working with a Graduate Clinical Intern is a great way to enter therapy for the first time or to address time limited issues. Should you desire to continue with therapy following the end of your Graduate Clinical Intern’s time at Bodhi, we will make every attempt to assist you with connecting with a new Clinician.

Who Supervises the Graduate Clinical Interns?

The Graduate Clinical Interns are supported and supervised by their graduate school professors as well as by fully licensed Bodhi Clinicians. The primary supervisor for Bodhi’s Graduate Clinical Interns is Shana Moorefield, LCSW-C.  Graduate Clinical Interns meet with their Bodhi supervising Clinician at minimum, once per week, for 1:1 case review. The purpose of this supervision is to review their work and ensure they are treating each person on their caseload with the most appropriate care. In addition, Graduate Clinical Interns at Bodhi are invited to participate in weekly supervision groups that are led by Bodhi’s senior clinician. (Your name is shared only with their direct supervisor in 1:1 supervision and not in group.)

What if I have a problem?

First and foremost, any issues you may have should be addressed directly with the Graduate Clinical Intern you are working with, they are your clinician. Part of the therapeutic process is being able to talk to your Clinician about things that may be uncomfortable. In therapy, with any level of Clinician, it’s important for you to advocate for yourself and directly address issues that may arise. For example, if you need something from the process that you are not getting, let your clinician know!

Of course, there may be times when you feel your concern requires additional support from Bodhi.  At any time, you are welcome to reach out to Shana Moorefield, LCSW-C, Clinical Director of Education and Clinician Support at Bodhi.

Shana supervises all of the Graduate Clinical Interns and wants to help them become successful licensed clinicians as well as ensure that the people who choose to work with Bodhi feel heard and supported.